




Solo Recording


This album is an eclectic selection of short Preludes for solo piano written by a variety of classical composers. Here is an excerpt from the album notes.... "The poet T.S. Eliot, in his Four Quartets, quipped profoundly “…in my end is my beginning,” meaning—if one can hazard a guess—that arriving at the ending of something, a life or a work or a phase, one can be reborn, can grow. A set of preludes is on the surface a set of beginnings, but it is also, going a stride deeper, a set of calculated endings, of pregnant silences before the act or dance or piece begins."

Album Listing

  1. BACH Praeludium from Partita I (BWV 825)

  2. RACHMANINOFF Prelude Op. 23, No. 4 in D Major

  3. PIAZZOLLA Sunny’s Game: Valse Prelude pour Piano

  4. RACHMANINOFF Prelude Op. 23, No. 5 in G Minor

  5. ALBENIZ Preludio: Leyenda Cantos de España, Op. 232 

  6. BACH Prelude in B Flat Major, WTC I (BWV 866)

  7. MOMPOU 5me Prelude

  8. MOMPOU 7me Prelude (Palmier d’ étoiles)

  9. SHOSTAKOVICH Prelude in C Minor Op.34, No. 20

  10. SHOSTAKOVICH Prelude in D Flat Major, Op. 34, No. 15

  11. SHOSTAKOVICH Prelude in C Sharp Minor, Op. 34,No. 10

  12. SHOSTAKOVICH Prelude in D Major, Op. 34, No. 5

  13. RAVEL Prélude (1913)

  14. RAVEL Prelude from Le Tombeau de Couperin

  15. SCRIABIN Prelude Op. 11, No. 2 in A Minor

  16. SCRIABIN Prelude for the Left Hand (Op. 9, No. 1)

  17. GERSHWIN Prelude I

  18. GERSHWIN Prelude II (Blue Lullaby)

  19. GERSHWIN Prelude III (Spanish Prelude)

  20. O’REGAN Lines of Desire


A sample track


BACH Praeludium from Partita I (BWV 825)


Enjoy the music